Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Top Creatine Questions

What is Creatine?

So you want to know about creatine and the top creatine supplements, here I'll explain what creatine is and what it can do for you.

Creatine is naturally produced by your body in your liver, pancreas and kidneys. It helps supply energy to your muscles and helps build muscle mass.

Good sources of creatine are meat products like fish and beef. Unfortunately you would have to consume nearly your own body weight (a slight exaggeration) in protein to get the same dosage as a teaspoon of supplemental creatine. Good news is creatine comes in pill, powder, or liquid form so you can choose which suits you best, so you can skip the side of beef.

Why do you Take Creatine?

To get faster results with your body building regime, wouldn't you like to speed up the process of your workouts? Well you can, creatine creates larger muscle mass, it also helps your muscles repair themselves quicker, and increases endurance and that's helpful in and out of the gym. If you know what I mean!

Is There a Right Way and a Wrong Way to Take Creatine?

Yes, here's a video to help you understand creatine usage

(all kidding aside)

I've read on forums where folks have actually snorted creatine, while the video is kinda funny in real life it's not. Take according to the manufacturers directions, obviously depending on which creatine supplement you take the instructions will be different.

I hope you found this information on creatine helpful and amusing. Life is good, especially when you have the body to prove it. Go out enjoy life and stop back soon, we'll talk more about the best creatine supplements on the market and bodybuilding techniques.

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